"Solo album by Antye Greie-Fuchs, singer/producer for German group Laub, who takes her typical Björk-style vocal work and pixilates it through a million and one broken filters. Those clipped, stuttering, and fractured shards are then dropped down a drain pipe, left to float away in a river of atonal brown noise and malfunctioning electronics. Of course, the listener can't be exposed to such dangerous conditions, instead being left to experience the audio imaging through a grainy security camera signal, run through a twisted copper wire. All this grittiness makes it hard to reconcile the probable reality that this disc was assembled on a shiny G4 in the pristine office where Greie-Fuchs works as web designer for the Kitty-Yo record label. But Orthlorng Musork label head Kit Clayton already has a stellar reputation as a software misfit who spends his days designing computer audio algorithms, a fact that makes this release comfortable within the canon of said label." - Joshua Glazer, All Music